Sunday, 16. February 2025    


7. Where the Twins Confer

Version: 2nd draft Task:
  • Find Kuwaq Yaku
  • Get past the Trinity patrol
  • Find Kuwaq Yaku
  • Burn the barrier
  • Find Kuwaq Yaku
  • Find the ruins
Region: Peruvian Jungle, Kuwaq Yaku Finds (Peruvian Jungle): x/44 Collectibles Finds (Kuwaq Yaku): x/54 Collectibles

Find Kuwaq Yaku

By killing the empress jaguar, you have unlocked custom outfits and can now wear the Vest of the Empress Jaguar and the Boots of the Empress Jaguar or any other outfit piece you unlock. For this Lara will switch back to her Tactical Adventurer Outfit and put these items on top. You have also taken the first step to getting the Legendary Hunter (1/5) trophy/achievement. Leave the Jaguar Den base camp. Take the time to collect arrows, medicine and perception plants, as well as cloth, hide, and fat around the area. Then meet Jonah at another spot just east from the base camp where you can lift away some branches in a team effort, to squeeze through into the next area. Immediately on the left, next to the stairs, you will find another resource container with +15 XP. Follow the path down till you find a fallen tree trunk leading to a platform on the right, where there is also a plant offering medicine.
You can now take the time to collect some goodies and collectibles, or you can choose to skip them ».

If you choose to grab the collectibles, you need to turn left to return to the familiar area near the Plane Wreckage base camp. If not, continue straight.
Relic (9/9): Balance across the fallen tree to the next ledge. By some small palm trees on the right you can find a box containing a relic. It is a Video Camera from the artifact collection "Search for the Hidden City" (3/8). You're rewarded with +25 XP. It contains hidden information, so turn it to examine the lens.
Survival Cache (8/9): Just a little to the left of the box with the relic you can dig up the next Survival Cache, which gets you +25 XP.
Challenge Tomb (2/2) "Judges' Gaze": Now get down into the jungle area around the watering hole and the Plane Wreckage base camp. You will actually be able to pick up a lot of re-spawned resources here. Run into the direction of the watering hole and the red and white tarp of the base camp. To the left of it, just on the other side of the tree you will find yellow markings indicating the nearby challenge tomb. Climb up onto the ledge and run through the water to reach the bricked-up entrance. Now, with the axe at your disposal, break through this pry barrier. Squeeze through. Run forward to the edge and here use the grapple axe to swing across the gap to the ledge on the other side. This ledge breaks off and sends Lara down into the water. Dive down, collecting the focus plants, then swim into the opening. Wade through the water to reach a puzzle area.
Mural (5/7): To the left side of the stairs you will spot another mural. It is God of Death from the set "Pantheon of Gods 3" (2/7). It improves your knowledge of the language Mam and give you +35 XP.
Collect the endurance plant on the right side after exiting the water. Then climb up onto the higher ledge on the right wall, where you can grab a focus plant. Climb further up to the left. From here jump towards the counterweight to pull it down and open up the entrance at the top of the stairs. Step through after grabbing the fat. In the next area you will come upon the base camp Jungle Cavern. Collect cloth and hardwood in this chamber. Step out onto the suspension bridge to cross the gorge. On the other side get into the water and dive into the next chamber. Follow the path on the left past a resource container with +15 XP. Get into the left (western) corner. The wall on the right has a narrow ledge which you can reach with wall scramble. Then perform another double jump to reach the ledge at the top. Pull up.
Mural (6/7): Directly ahead is another mural, Judges' Gaze from the set "Trials of the Gods" (2/8). It rewards you with +35 XP and improves your knowledge of the language Mam, unlocking the next monolith.
Then step out to the right.
Hop down into the courtyard. Get over to the cart holding a counterweight in place on the left. Pull the cart till the counterweight is released, then push it - as close as possible - towards the wooden ramp blocking the way. Now grab the handle of the second cart and pull it to the crossing where the first one was. Now get towards the wooden grating that is lying across the middle of the area. Stand near the rope-wrapped part on this side here and tether it to the statue at the back on the left. Now head along the left track. On the left side, before you reach the statue, you can climb up onto the protruding column. From here jump towards the ledge slightly left to pull into the upper passage of the ruins.
Document (8/13): Directly in front you can find a document lying on the floor. It is Jack's Journal from the set "Expedition Unknown 2" (3/6). You'll get +25 XP.
Step into the opening on the left and jump towards the counterweight to pull it down. If you pushed the cart onto the crossing, the counterweight will lock into place, holding up the statue attached to it which in turn pulls up the wooden grating a bit, enabling you to push the first cart you moved through underneath, to the other side, to where it opens up its wings. Now carefully get onto the pulled up ramp and stand at the rope coil on the other side. Tether this bit to the other statue high above on the right. You might want to collect the medicine and hardwood around here. Then get onto the ramp and head up to jump up to the arch where you entered this area. Turn left to the yet unexplored side and perform a double jump to climb onto the upper level inside the ruins. Ignore the pry barrier ahead for now, this is the exit. Turn left.
Document (9/13): In the next alcove on the right you can collect Surprise Witness, a document from the artifact collection "Metamorphosis" (2/9). It improves Lara's knowledge of Mam and rewards her with +25 XP.
Step into the opening opposite the alcove where the document was. Jump towards the counterweight to pull it down. It will also lock in place, pulling up the ramp fully, turning it into a ladder. Run up the mossy, tipped column in front of the ladder and jump towards it. Climb up to the top on the right side. Take a running jump across the gap to reach the stairs with the Tomb Stele. You will obtain the skill Caiman's Heart and a skill point.

Now collect the gold left and right of the stairs. This will probably get you the trophy/achievement Untold Riches. Now turn to face the edge again. Stand by the rope coil on the left and tether it to the rope coil above the entrance of the ruins on the left. Slide over. Where you land is another endurance plant. Run to the end of the passage and use the axe to break through the pry barrier on the left. Step through and scramble up the back wall. At the top, on the right you can collect another resource container with +15 XP. Get into the next chamber, where you can find some feathers and scramble up the next wall. Use the rope slide to reach an opening and land on a mud slide. At the bottom follow the passage to the end. Perform a double jump at the wall ahead to grab the ledge. Here jump up and use the axe on the craggy wall. Climb to the right and jump towards the next ledge there. Jump up and again use the axe on the craggy wall. Traverse to the left and jump to the platform. Pull up. Walk out onto the tree trunk and jump towards the branch. From here jump to the next branch and swing to a handhold on the tree. Jump up to its branch. From here continue onto the ledge where you can grab hardwood and feathers. Then face left to see a curved branch. Jump towards it and use the grapple axe to swing across. Use the axe to attach to the craggy wall. Climb up. Jump to the next craggy wall and rappel down. Squeeze through the opening in the wall and you are back in the jungle. Return to the jungle floor.
Survival Cache (9/9): From where you came out of the tomb, turn right and run further along the stream, heading north-west. You come upon a wall where you can climb up. But first grab the hardwood on the right. Then climb up. Collect the focus plant here. Ignore the cave opening for now and turn left to get to the edge of the platform here. On the green patch by the rocks you can find a Survival Cache rewarding you not only with resources but with +25 XP.
Crypt (2/2) "Urqu, the Scout": Now enter the cave. Inside the cave mouth, on the right, you can find an endurance plant.
Document (10/13): On the landing of the stairs lies the document Struggle for Power from the artifacts collection "Conquerors" (2/8). You're rewarded with +25 XP.
Head down the stairs and use rope arrows to pull the barrier from the walls. Head down and squeeze through the spears protruding from the walls. Push the lever attached to the snake head to open the gate on the left. Then collect the endurance plant on the left before stepping through the opened gate. Wade through the mud and follow the stairs down. At the bottom of the stairs, immediately after stepping through the arch, you have to cut a rope to disarm the spear trap. Duck underneath it.
Document (11/13): Explore the alcove on the left, directly after you've passed the spears. Here you will find Jack's Journal 2 from the artifact collection "Expedition Unknown 2" (4/6) You obtain +25 XP. Leave the alcove.
In the next corner on the left you can find a resource container rewarding you with +15 XP.
Mural (7/7): On the wall behind you, after collecting the resource container, can find the mural Urqu, the Scout from the artifacts collection "Resting Places" (2/8), which will reward Lara with +35 XP and improve her Quechua.
Turn left and follow the passage. The floor will collapse and send Lara down a slope into the inner sanctum of the crypt. Approach the Sarcophagus and open it to obtain 750 gold pieces, Vestige: Eveningstar's Boots and +125 XP. Slip through the opening behind the sarcophagus on the left. Wade through the water. Use the axe to pry the gold ore from the vein in the left wall. Then turn to the right, where you can scramble up the wall. Do the same with the next wall. You will reach a pole with rope. Tether this one to the rope coil high above on the next ledge. Climb up the rope and at the top drop into the passage. Follow it and jump down at the end, but be careful not to land on the mudslide again. Follow the passage straight ahead, passing the mural to your left. The next bit has a collapsible floor. Quickly jump off it, to avoid the spikes beneath. Jump across the next spike pit and grab the ledge. Pull up. At the end of the passage is another spike pit. Jump towards the wall and immediately jump again to reach the narrow ledge. Jump again to reach the top and pull up. Wade through the mud and follow the passage. At the end, directly ahead is an optional mural, that tells you of a hidden chamber nearby, duh! Follow the passage to the right, to a lever. Push it to open the gate. Step through. Exit through the spears on the left and run back up to return outside.

Now we need to return to where we left the story path. Return to the watering hole. Behind the large gnarly tree, on the left you will find the platform where the cache and the relic were. On two sides there is a craggy wall. Jump up and use the axe to climb back onto the platform.
Resource: Instead of balancing back across the fallen tree, step into the water. On the left side you will find a vein with gold ore you can pry from the wall. Then duck through the stone arch.
Document (12/13): Just past the fallen tree and the curved opening in the cliff wall you will find a niche with vegetation on the left. Get in there and you will find not only a resource container with +15 XP but also the document Jack's Journal 4 from the artifact collection "Expedition Unknown 2" (6/6). You will obtain +25 XP and the trophy/achievement Archeologist for completing the first artifact collection. (Although technically it's the second but apparently "Mystery of the White Queen" from Croft Manor does not count.)
Now it's time to continue with the story.
Continue along the path, collecting hardwood and medicine on the way. Hop down the ledge and follow the path to the ravine. Jump across the waterfall to the other side.
Archivist Map: On the left side is a hut. Outside of it you can collect some hardwood and salvage. Then head up the stairs and open the pry door using the axe. Inside, on the table you will find an Archivist Map for which you will also get +25 XP. Leave the hut again.
Follow the path further and Lara and Jonah will come to a roadblock.

Get past the Trinity Patrol

Lara and Jonah observe a group of Trinity mercenaries setting up a road block, they decorate themselves in mud.
As soon as you regain control, use the melee button to take down the enemy. Sneak along the mud wall and observe how Jonah takes out the one on the right side. Slip around the corner to the left to remain hidden. At the end of the passage, double jump up to the ledge and stealthily take down the next Trinity goon standing above. Pull up and advance. Jonah has made his way to the armoured vehicle Trinity have designated "Paladin". Get down to join him. The two belly crawl under the vehicle. Wait for enemies to pass while moving along underneath and get out on the other side where Lara and Jonah take out the next two enemies. Lara hides in the vegetation. Wait for the two Trinity Soldiers to come over to investigate. As soon as the one further away turns his back, take down the one near you in melee. The other will run off and follow Jonah. Follow him, looting his fallen comrades for resources as you go. On the left side you can get around the stream. Quickly grab the salvage to the left of the lorry. Then jump up the ledges where Jonah and the goons from Trinity went. Lara takes out the first and Jonah will finish the second. You will obtain the Vicar Mark II rifle and the AB .45 pistol. Loot the killed enemy for resources.

Find Kuwaq Yaku

Get into the tunnel and collect the endurance and focus plants on the way. From the ledge at the jump jump down onto the lower ledge.

Burn the Barrier

A flammable barrier is blocking the path. Collect arrows, fat (2) and cloth (2) which allows you to craft fire arrows. On the go crafting is achieved by choosing the correct ammo (cycle special arrows (PC: mouse wheel, PS: d-pad up, Xbox: d-pad up) ; currently obsolete, because you only have fire arrows at this point in the game) and then holding down the button for special ammo (PC: middle mouse button, PS: R1, Xbox: RT) while not aiming. Craft as many fire arrows as you can and keep doing this throughout the game with all kinds of ammunition to quickly obtain the On the Go trophy/achievement. Let loose one of the fire arrows to burn down the barrier. Just like with crafting you have to use the special ammo button (PC: middle mouse button, PS: R1, Xbox: RT) - but this time while aiming - to use special arrows. After the barrier has been burnt down, step through.
Kuwaq Yaku

Find Kuwaq Yaku

Over to the right you can find a resource container for +15 XP and ahead is a perception plant. Then follow the path on the left into town and you will obtain +50 XP.
Lara and Jonah make friends with Abby who points them to some ruins.

Find the Ruins

You're now free to explore the area.
You can now take the time to collect some goodies and collectibles and fulfil some challenges, or you can choose to skip them »
Grab the salvage crate in the corner.
Conversation (Optional): Then speak to the sitting man with the red shoes next to the jukebox. He is a victim of the storm.
Conversation - Point of Interest (1/5): Get to the lower deck and the waitress will speak to you, and tell you where you can find the merchant in town. The location will be added to the map. This will further your progress towards the trophy/achievement Point of Interest.
Conversation (Optional): Then talk to the man sitting on a bench to the left of the waitress. He tells you that he was working up his nerve to speak to someone (probably Abby) but then someone else got there first (Jonah?).
Base Camp (1/5): Down the stairs you will discover the base camp Kuwaq Yaku around the corner to the right and you will obtain +25 XP. Make sure you upgrade your skills and weapons, of which you now have the bow, the handgun, and the rifle. Collect the bundle of hardwood right next to the camp.
Document (1/18): Also right next to the camp, on a blue barrel beneath the deck of the cafe, you can find the document Company Town from the artifact collection "Fortune and Glory" (1/6). You will obtain +25 XP.
Over on the left you can find more hardwood and a crate with salvage.
Conversation - Point of Interest (2/5): Then speak to the man sitting on a box between the two bridges. He tells you to stay away from Omar and points you to a mission in town. [Screenshot]
Head down the red bridge on the left. You will come past two children playing football and two men talking on the right.
Document (2/18): Just beyond them, in front of the green hut, on a crate to the right of the stairs, you will find another document, Fuel for the Future from the artifact collection "A Community in Need" (1/5). You'll get +25 XP.
Document (3/18): Enter the hut to find some cloth on the left, at the foot of the sleeping bag, in front of the bed. There is also another document on a stool on the right, titled Family Tree from the artifact collection "A Community in Need" (2/5). You'll be rewarded with +25 XP.
Return outside and this time get over to the left to witness an argument between two men. Just before you reach the hut where the arguing men are, pick up the salvage on the left.
Mission "Invasive Species: Deal with the Pillagers": Now talk to the guy who has been kicked to the curb. You will learn that his name is Victor and that the whole town is struggling with pillagers. He tells you to talk to Omar, but to be careful when dealing with him.
Talk to Omar
Enter the hut and talk to Omar. He is kind of unfriendly and points you to Marco.
Talk to Marco
Leave again and turn back to the right. Follow the path back up the red bridge to return to the cafe. Marco is on the lower deck, at the back. He tells Lara about his son who is held by the pillagers.
Head to the Edge of Town
Once more head across the red bridge and follow the left path, past the shack where Omar watches a game. In front of the garage "Lubricentro Ernesto's" on the right you can collect some fat.
Conversation (Optional): On the left corner sits a woman who tells you how vibrant the town was some time ago. She is disappointed that Lara is no tourist, because tourists mean money.
We will leave the rest of the area to the left for later, when the mission is done. Continue straight. Then turn left in front of the sign "Jardin Comunitario".
Conversation (Optional): Speaking to the woman on the left, who is tending to some plants, will tell you more about the community garden.
Get over to the right side where you can grab some cloth and salvage from the shack at the back of the house. Then get to the left, where you can pick an endurance plant (cocoa), before you duck under the fallen tree. Follow the path.
Mural (1/10): At the end on the left you will spot the mural Suppay from the set "Pantheon of Gods 2" (2/8) which improves your knowledge of Quechua and rewards you with +35 XP.
Turn right and squeeze into the tunnel. A young boy will come running through the mud. It is Pablo, Marco's son.
Enter the crypt worksite
Wade through the mud. Just at the other end you can collect some cloth on the right. Climb through the opening in the stone wall.
Defeat the pillagers
Quickly duck into the grass and sneak along the vegetation to get closer to the two pillagers who just killed a guy. The pillager remaining by the corpse can be taken down from the vine wall on the right side. The tree pillagers to the right can easily be killed with arrows to the head. Loot them and pick the plant offering medicine. Now you need to get up to the next level. Either run up the stairs to the right or climb the tree over on the left, whichever fits your play style. If you like you can also make some noise and get the guys up here to follow you down, where you hide in the vegetation and take them out one by one. (Make sure they have spawned up there, before you try attracting their attention.) On the elevated platform of the ruins below you can pick up some cans which can be used for crafting shrapnel grenades. Kill the 5 pillagers. Loot the enemies and find some medicine around their camp.
Return to Marco
3 Conversations (Optional): Before you leave, you can speak to 3 of the 4 hostages, who thank Lara for the rescue.
Relic (1/4): Before we return to Marco, there is another relic to find. Beyond the hostages, on the left, you will find a metal door you can pry open. Enter the cave. On a table underneath the roof you can find the relic Tumi Knife from the artifact collection "Fortune and Glory" (2/6) rewarding you with +25 XP. Now climb the ladder on the right side to get to the roof of the shack. Get over to the left and scramble up the wall to reach a ledge. Jump up to the next ledge. Traverse around to the left and climb up. Slide down on the other side. On the right is a resource crate worth +15 XP. Then approach the edge and attach a rope from here to the rope coil by the remains of the ruins down below. Slide down.
Slip back through the opening in the wall and walk back through the mud. After the tunnel and the mural, duck under the tree again to return to the community garden. Turn right and run past the garage, past Omar's place - he is gone - and use the red bridge to return to Abby's. Find Marco on the lower deck again. His son is with him now. Speak with him and you are rewarded with the River Hawk handgun for completing the mission (1/8). You will also get the trophies/achievements Help thy Neighbor and Unwelcome Guests.
At the lake:
Conversation - Point of Interest (3/5): Now head down the wooden bridge on the right to reach the red fishing hut. Speak to the old woman, who is looking for her family... in a way. She will also give you information that reveals a gold deposit and a hunting ground on your map. [Screenshot]
Conversation - Point of Interest (4/5): Get to the other side of the red fishing hut to meet an old man near the edge of the water he tells you of the remains of a temple that once stood here and reveals the location of a monolith. This will further your progress towards the trophy/achievement Point of Interest. [Screenshot] Then collect the fat out on the jetty, the salvage near the man and the medicine at the corner of the hut.
Conversation (Optional): Head over to the second hut at the lake, where Kuwaq Yaku is painted in white letters on a red background. Enter from the lake side and you will meet a young woman who tells you that they are busy with rebuilding after the storm.
Resources: In the completely ruined shack on the other side of the jetty you can find a resource container worth +15 XP.
Archivist Map (1): Follow the jetty further along. Where two boys are playing in the water on the right, jump over to the railing of the hut with bluish painted boards on the side. Pull inside. Here you will not only find a resource container worth +15 XP, but also an Archivist Map for an additional +25 XP and the location of several Documents and Mural, among them one often overlooked mural at the bottom of the lake to the west. [Screenshot], [Screenshot] (map location)
Salvage: Outside, at the end of the jetties you can also find a crate with salvage.
Conversation - Point of Interest (5/5): Get to the shore and head to the rightmost hut, a dull wooden one. In front of the shack at the right end sits an old woman on a yellow plastic chair. Speak to her to learn about a crypt to the west of Kuwaq Yaku. [Screenshot] At this point you can obtain the Point of Interest trophy/achievement. If you did not get it yet, don't worry, there are plenty more conversations.
Document (4/18): Enter the shack behind the old woman. On a wooden box on the left you will find the document Trinity's Offer from the artifact collection "A Community in Need" (3/5). You will be rewarded with +25 XP. [Screenshot], [Screenshot] (map location)
Survival Cache (1/14): Now get into the water of the lake, by the jetty where a woman stands with her daughter, where the two boys play in the water. On the ground, just behind the second hut where the resource container was you will find some salvage under water. Swim towards the the resource container on the other side of this hut for +15 XP. Nearby you can enter the cage below the hut to find a Survival Cache for +25 XP. [Screenshot], [Screenshot] (map location) Catch your breath.
Challenge "Bottom Feeder" (1/5): Just in front of the underwater cage with the survival cache you will find a red aquatic plant rewarding you with not only the +10 XP for the challenge but also with medicine. Behind the pry barrier in the nearby cliff wall is another Treasure Chest, which you won't be able to open until you've obtained the lockpick.
Gold Ore: Dive down into the trench to find a crate with salvage, and the vein with gold ore, which has been added to your map, over on the left.
Challenge "Bottom Feeder" (2-4/5): Closer to the surface and further left into the corner of the lake you can find three more aquatic plant rewarding you with +10 XP each, and perception plants on the side. Ignore the narrow gap in the wall for now.
Survival Cache (2/14): Swim to the surface and turn back towards the huts. On the left side is a very narrow piece of beach. Leave the water here to dig up a Survival Cache and obtain +25 XP.
Challenge "Bottom Feeder" (5/5): Swim back towards the huts and dive down again. Down in the trench you will find two more aquatic plant (perception plants), of which you will only need one, and for which you get +100 XP for completing the challenge. And further along and turning left you will find a crate with salvage and another perception plant. Swim to the surface.
Monolith (1/3): Swim to the left shore to find the monolith that has been added to your map after talking to the man at the fishing hut. Fortunately your knowledge of the dialect needed is sufficient so you will obtain +25 XP and the hint: Take a deep breath and find me right under another's nose.. Consulting the map will show you the general area where the monolith riches buried and the clue given, when hovering over the monolith's location. [Screenshot] As the monolith treasure is located in another part of the town, I will leave that for later and continue with the lake for now. If you'd like to pick it up, dive through the gap I pointed out a little earlier. click here
Relic (1/4): Return to the water and swim over to the yellow boat at the jetty where you talked to the old man and learned about the monolith. Dive down to find not only a perception plant but also a small box with the relic Cone Mold from the artifact collection "Fortune and Glory" (3/6) at the left end of the metal structure. You will obtain +25 XP.
Mural (2/10): Return to the surface and look over to the left (west), where there is a boat marooned at the small beach in the distance. Dive back down and in a straight line towards that boat. You will come by a resource container with +15 XP, another perception plant and head straight towards an often overlooked sunken mural. It is Inti from the set "Pantheon of Gods 2" (3/8) which will improve your knowledge of Quechua and reward you with +35 XP.
Resources: The rest of the lake has one resource container with +15 XP, two more salvage crates, one more perception plant and one more endurance plant for you. And, if you get to the other side of the main floating walkways, below the hut with the "Kuwaq Yaku" sign in red and white, you can find another resource container with +15 XP under the surface.
Base Camp (2/5): Now swim to the shore with the beached boat. To the right of the boat you will find the base camp Jungle Cliffs (2/5), which is often overlooked. You will get +25 XP.
Explorer Backpack: To the right of the camp, in a narrow scar cutting into the jungle, where a fallen tree trunk lies, you can find an Explorer Backpack, which is easily overlooked and puts some of the survival caches on your map. You will receive +25 XP. [Screenshot]
Survival Cache (3/14): On the other side of the boat that ran aground, or was possibly pushed there by a tidal wave, just behind its stern, in front of the palm tree, with the banana tree to the left, you will find a Survival Cache you can dig up. It is worth +25 XP.
Resources: Return to the water and swim over to the left. If you swim over to the left, you will find more flotsam and among it a resource container with +15 XP on the right and a perception plant on the left.
The stream in the west:
Survival Cache (4/14): Past the cafe, on the other side of it, beneath the red bridge, you can follow the stream inland. Get to the beach on the left and find the next Survival Cache in front of the palm tree on the left end. Get the resources inside and the accompanying +25 XP. Then grab the crate with salvage.
Crypt (1/2) "Wayta, the Tyrant": Now enter the water tunnel in the cliff wall. Dive down and follow the tunnel, grabbing two focus plants, and some gold ore from a vein on the right wall, on the way. Swim to the surface. Climb out onto the ledge by a barrel on the left. There is an endurance plant here. Climb up into the tunnel. Drop down into the depression.
Resources: Turn right to find some fat and gold in the short passage to the right, then return.
Climb up onto the next ledge. Here you will find the path barricaded. On the right you can find some cloth and on the left are some empty bottles. With a bottle in hand you can craft a Molotov as long as you have the necessary resources. To do so, hold down the "Craft Special Ammo" button. (PC: middle mouse, PS4: R1, Xbox: RB) Then aim at the barricade and throw the bottle to burn it down. Step through.
Archivist Map (2): On a crate on the left you can find another Archivist Map, which will add more collectibles to your map. You'll also get +25 XP.
Step through the opening on the right. Here you will find another endurance plant. Run over to the left.
Mural (3/10): At the back wall you will find the mural Wayta, the Tyrant, which will improve your "Quechua" and reward you with +35 XP.
Turn right into the next passage. When Lara approached the edge, the wooden board underneath her feet gives way and drop her onto a downward slope. Quickly steer to the right to avoid the first wall spikes in front of you. Then steer left, to also avoid the second wall spikes. Steer right again, to get past the last set of wall spikes. Then jump off the slope and use the grapple to swing across the abyss. Grab the ledge and pull up. Run ahead and jump over the gap. Get to the Sarcophagus and open it to obtain 750 gold pieces, Vestige: Nine Strides' Boots and +125 XP. You will further obtain the trophy/achievement Resting Places, if you've followed this guide closely, as this is the third crypt we complete.
Turn around and jump across the gap again. Use the grapple to swing back to the other side, where you need to reach the craggy wall below of the slope. So use the axe to attach to the wall. Climb over to the lower right end and from there jump towards the second craggy wall further right. Climb to the upper end and perform a wall scramble to get to the ledge. Then jump up to the next bit of craggy wall. Climb up and left, where another wall scramble brings you to the top ledge. Pull up. Wall scramble up to the next level. Here you will find a resource container for +15 XP. Run along the ledge and from the ramp at the end jump across the gap to the wall, where you immediately jump again to get up. Step out onto the beam and jump ahead. Use the grapple to swing to the doorway. Follow the long passage all the way back to the open. Here you follow the passage back to the water. Dive back outside to reach the beach again.
Resources: Now follow the beach along to the left. By the two boys discussing frogs you can find some hardwood.
Conversation - Point of Interest (6): On the jetty you will find a man you can talk to. He will reveal the location of an eagle hunting ground on your map. [Screenshot]
Relic (3/4): Now turn right to where you find a salvage crate in front of a locked door you can pry open using the axe. Inside you will find hardwood, a container with black powder and, on a table on the right, a small box with a Burial Doll Replica from the artifact collection "Fortune and Glory" (4/6). You can examine it for hidden information. Examine the head of the doll to recognise the usage of modern materials. You'll get +25 XP. Leave the shack again.
In Town:
Document (5/18): Turn right to return to the streets of the town. We've already spoken with the woman sitting at the right corner. Turn left instead. With the community garden to the left, enter the hut straight ahead, where the "jardin comunitario" is attached. There is some hardwood behind the wheelbarrow on the left, but more importantly a document on a stool in front. It is a Water Quality Report from the artifact collection "Fortune and Glory" (5/6) and worth +25 XP. Leave the hut.
Document (6/18): Head across the path and up the stairs to the ruins which are now used as a kind of market place. On the table you will find the document A Haunting from the artifact collection "Myth, Magic & Monsters" (4/8), which tells of a haunted cave. Interesting. You are rewarded with +25 XP.
Conversation (Optional): Sitting on the stairs of the ruins you will find an old woman who remarks that you are not Mariella.
Conversation (Optional): Head down the stairs. To the right, sitting on a green crate against the back wall of the garage is a man you can talk to. He talks about the storm, and tells Lara - who says she is sorry - that it's not her fault unless she can control the weather. Well...
Conversation (Optional): Turn down the left road to get into the middle part of the town where you have not been yet, to find another conversation. Run towards the yellow and green house and in front of it turn left. At the next house, underneath a blue tarp, you will find a man you can talk to. Another person who points you to the merchant in town. After this conversation return to the front of the ruins used as market.
Resources: Now run over to the right side of the ruin's stairs. Past the market stalls selling spices and bananas on the right you will come to a niche between two huts where there is a resource container for +15 XP, on the stairs of the ruins opposite is another one.
Conversation (Optional): To the right of the ruin's stairs sits another woman on a crate. Talk to her and she tells you to speak with Abigail (Abby).
Hunting Ground:
Resources: Head down the jungle path. On the left is another endurance plant and shortly behind that some hardwood. Behind the back of the jeep stands a salvage crate.
Challenge "Crude Awakenings" (1/5): Around the bend to the left you will find a red oil barrel. Shoot it - you have left the town behind you and are allowed to use your weapons here - to begin the "Crude Awakenings" challenge. You will get +10 XP.
Challenge "Crude Awakenings" (2/5): Turn down the right path. On the left side you will find the second oil barrel, advancing the challenge and bringing you +10 XP.
Base Camp (3/5): To the right of where the barrel was you will find the base camp Hunting Grounds (3/5), which rewards you with +25 XP.
Mural (3/10): Past the tree at the base of a brick wall, you will find another mural titled Urcuchillay from the set "Pantheon of Gods 2" (4/8). It will improve your Quechua and bring you +35 XP. [Screenshot], [Screenshot] (map location)
Survival Cache (5/14): Go around the corner and follow the water into the small lagoon. On the left beach, just beyond the rock formation you can find a Survival Cache you can dig up. You'll get an additional +25 XP.
Monolith Riches Survival Cache (6/14): Just opposite, on the right cliff wall, dive down into the water to find a sunken statue. Remember the monolith hint? Take a deep breath and find me right under another's nose. Dig up the Survival Cache you will find here in the sand. You will obtain +50 XP
Resources: Further you can collect a crate with salvage and a focus plant in this cave.
Resources: Get to the end of the lagoon. On the left side you is a door where you are missing gear: the shotgun obtained later throughout the story. At the back is a resource container with +15 XP. Then stand by the pole with rope wrapped around it, look back along the water to the rock formation. Tether the rope coil up there to the pole, then climb up along the rope. Drop onto the ledge to pry the gold ore from the vein in the wall.
Relic (4/4): Get back down and return to where you entered the area. Where the mural would be on the left, turn right. Here you will come across a perception plant and a resource container with +15 XP. Follow the path all the way up and at the end get out onto the fallen tree. Jump to the tree platform where you can often find a crate with cloth and some feathers. Turn right and jump to the curved branch to swing over to the next tree platform. Here you will find a small box with the relic Promotional Toy from the artifact collection "Fortune and Glory" (6/6). You are rewarded with +25 XP and you will get the message "Story Complete: Fortune and Glory".
Resources: Look up to the next tree platform to spot a rope coil. Tether it to the one here and climb over. In the niche is a resource container with +15 XP. The curved tree branch allows you to swing to a branch with another perception plant. Drop to the jungle floor, where you will find two trees with hardwood one here, on in the passage where you took the high road.
Challenge "Crude Awakenings" (3/5): Also in the passage you avoided because you jumped from tree platform to tree platform is another of the oil barrels for the Crude Awakenings challenge and +10 XP. It is just below the tree where the relic was.
Challenge "Nam Deus" (1/5): At the corner to the large open jungle area, sticking out from a fallen tree, opposite the tree platform, you can see a sacrilegious jungle totem. Shoot it down for +10 XP and to begin the next challenge.
Challenge "Nam Deus" (2-3/5): Head into the direction of the rock formation with the pole wrapped in rope and pass it on the left side. Behind the smaller tree you will find a larger one. One jungle totem is found dangling from a branch to the right. The other totem is much lower, a little bit around the tree to the left. They give you +10 XP each. Nearby is another spot where you will need the shotgun.
Survival Cache (7/14): Now get to the other side of the rock formation. On the right side of the fallen tree stretching from there to the next ledge overhead, where the patch of vegetation meets the rocky ground, you can find another Survival Cache and obtain +25 XP.
Challenge "Nam Deus" (4/5): Then follow the path leading to the right part of the area (east). You can collect quite a few resources on the way through this hunting ground, including hide from any boar you kill. Where the path leads through a narrow passage and you will get the notification that a challenge tomb is nearby, also note the gold-painted skull on the right side of the path, look up to the branches of the tree just there to spot another totem worth +10 XP to shoot down.
Challenge "Nam Deus" (5/5): Get through the clearing. The dead tree at the end, which is leaning against the cave wall, has the final totem needed for the Nam Deus challenge. Shoot it and you will obtain +100 XP.
Resources: On the left side before entering the cave you can pick up a resource container with +15 XP.
Challenge Tomb (1/1) "Howling Caves": Enter the cave. On the right you can collect an endurance plant. Hop down. Alas for the barricade ahead you will need the rope ascender, but not to worry, you can still do the rest of the tomb. Run to the left, coming past another endurance plant.
Challenge "Nam Deus" (6/5): Just above this plant would be another totem in case you're still one short. Otherwise it's useless.
Explorer Backpack: Against the left wall you can find another Explorer Backpack, which adds some survival caches to the map and rewards you with +25 XP.
Step towards the edge and jump down into the water.
Resources: Under the surface you can find a resource container with +15 XP and some salvage and a vein with gold ore.
Climb out of the water. Follow the path down. On the right side is a wide pit with spikes, too wide to jump. Turn left and climb up onto the ledge. Follow it to come out behind the spike pit. Turn left. Turn left again to slide down a slope. At the end of the slope jump to reach the craggy wall and use the axe to hold on to it. Rappel down. At the bottom of the rope turn slightly left and swing to the ledge there. Collect the resource container for +15 XP before standing on the ledge on the right end, facing the back wall with the skull motif. Jump over there to grab the ledge and traverse to the right. From the end of the ledge jump towards the craggy wall further to the right and use the axe to hold on to it. Again rappel down to reach the bottom. Collect some fat and a resource container with +15 XP, before slipping through the low opening into a tunnel. Step to the edge. If you jump to the next ledge, you will drop down. You are now attacked by four wild wolves.
If one pushes you over, landing on top of you, you are forced to shake him off and then use the melee finisher with the right timing, when indicated. Otherwise try to land hits with the bow and arrow and don't forget to scramble around to evade their attacks.

After the fight don't forget to skin the animals for their hide. Also stock up on arrows found in three bundles around the arena.
Mural (5/10): On the slightly elevated ramp you can find a resource container with +15 XP and further right the mural Howling Caves from the artifact collection "Trial of the Gods" (3/8). It will increase Lara's knowledge of Mam and reward her with +35 XP.
Run towards the fire. Here you will find a rope coil. Stand underneath it and look up to the next ledge where you see another coil. Tether them together and climb up the rope.
Document (7/18): On the ledge above you can grab another resource container with +15 XP, and, from the corpse at the foot of the craggy wall, the document Secret Winds from the artifact collection "Metamorphosis" (3/9) further increasing your knowledge in Mam and rewarding you with +25 XP.
Scale the craggy wall to reach the next ledge.
Survival Cache (8/14): Turn left to come to a small round chamber. On the left side you can dig up the next Survival Cache rewarding you with +25 XP.
Document (8/18): To the right of where the cache was, in front of a small statue, lies the document Votan from the set "Legends of the Maya" (1/7), rewarding you with another +25 XP and increasing Lara's knowledge of Mam.
Run over to the right and you come to the base camp Petroleum Deposit. Although it seems that this is the fourth camp we discovered in the Kuwaq Yaku region, it belongs to the Challenge Tomb and is not one of the five needed for 100% completion. The lit passage on the right is the exit. Turn left and find a resource container with +15 XP below rubble with the balancing beam. The wind is too strong to balance across the beam but fortunately you can simply jump up the wall next to where the beam ends. Enter the main chamber.
The path across the the stele is blocked by fire. Find the rotating lever on the right side and pull it to open the shutters. This will set a pendulum in motion. Wait for the wind to abate and the pendulum to swing to the walkway, then quickly jump up to it to hold on to its protruding ledge. Shimmy along the ledge to the left end. From there wait for the opportune moment, when the wind is blowing, to jump over to the walkway on the left. Besides a resource container with +15 XP you will find the next rotating lever on this ledge. Pull it clockwise to open the next set of shutters. The fire on the main walkway goes out and the next pendulum starts swaying in the wind. Step out onto the narrow ledge at the end and from there jump over to the main walkway. Walk out onto the jutting ledge in front and jump towards the next walkway on the other wall. Jump down onto the ledge to the left. After grabbing the gold near the wall, turn to face the second pendulum. Note the rope wrapped around its top. Get your bow ready, then wait for the pendulum to be at its highest point. Now use a rope arrow to pull it further up and slightly towards you. When swinging back it should now knock the blockage off the main walkway. If not, try again until it does. Then jump back to the ledge on the left, since the jump to the main walkway is too long. Pull up and then get out onto the protruding ledge to jump back to the main walkway. Before you continue past the point where the blockage was, jump back to the ledge with the second rotating lever, just in front of you. Push it anti-clockwise to close the shutters again and make the narrow ledge past the second pendulum safe to navigate. Here turn left and use the protruding ledge to reach the third lever, turning it however won't work, the next pendulum is stuck in the wall. Walk up the rubble to the right of the lever towards the column against the wall. Double jump up to grab the ledge. Jump over to the right, to the ledge of the pendulum. Traverse around it till you can safely drop down onto the ledge below you. Here stand next to the rope coil of the stuck pendulum and aim at the second pendulum's rope coil to tether the two together. You might want to shoulder swap to get a better view of the target. Simply press the left stick (console or gamepad on PC) while aiming to do so. Jump up to the rope and climb along to reach the ledge with the still useless lever. Jump back to the main walkway. Get back to the second rotating lever on the right and pull it again to open the shutters once more. The second pendulum will start swinging in the wind again and it will pry the one stuck in the wall loose. Don't forget to operate the rotating lever again to close the shutters and make the narrow beam safe again. Now get to the third rotating lever, which was useless up till now. Pull it clockwise to open the next set of shutters. The wind will extinguish the flames. Close the shutters again to make it easier for you to walk up the walkway to the left. Jump across the gap, pull up and run up the stairs. On the landing you will find some gold on the left. At the top there is more gold to the right of the Tomb Stele. Studying the stele will grant you Huracan's Mantle. Since this is the third challenge tomb you've completed when following this guide, you will also get the trophy/achievement Stele Hunter.

Now it's time to leave the tomb. Run down the stairs and jump across the gap. Follow the walkway out again. Drop down into the windy cave. Run into the lit passage on the left. Jump across the gap to the craggy wall wall and climb up. Run towards the next edge and use the grapple axe to swing across the gap. Lara lands on a slope and slides down. Scramble up the wall slightly to the right. Collect the endurance plant on the right and the resource container with +15 XP on the left, before using the rope slide down into the water. Climb out onto the ledge on the left side and here jump up to the ledge and then scramble up the wall. On the next ledge use a double jump to reach the craggy wall which will allow you to reach the top with another wall scramble. Run up the beam and grab another resource container with +15 XP. Then scramble up the wall on the right to reach another craggy wall. Again a double jump brings you up to the next ledge. And another double jump brings you to the top. Balance across the wooden beam. Jump onto the stairs ahead, but careful, you don't want to slide down on the right again. Run ahead, turn right to circumvent the spike pit, just like earlier. Turn right and follow the path to the water. Climb up the ledges on the right. Then from the top jump to the craggy wall and use the grapple to hold on to it. Climb up. At the upper end jump towards the next craggy wall further right. Here climb up on the right end and jump to the top ledge. Climb out of the tomb entrance.
Mural (6/10): Run back through the jungle area. Beyond the large tree where you shot two totems and where you still have to shoot a barrier with the shotgun, once you get it, in the right cliff wall, you will find a ledge up on the left where there is a monolith that Lara can not interpret yet. Keep at the right wall. Here you will find the mural Pachamama from the artifact collection "Pantheon of Gods 2" (5/8) which improves your Quechua and gives you +35 XP.
Resources: From the mural turn around and run towards the tree. Scramble up the ruined wall just to the right of it. There are some resources up here, on the ledge to the right. But go straight, where you can pick up another resource container for +15 XP. If you'd go right, you could find another Survival Cache and another oil barrel in the area there, but we will come by there later anyway. If you are in desperate need of the XP (25 and 100 for the challenge), collect them now.
Challenge "Crude Awakenings" (4/5): Just down the stairs you can see another red oil barrel just in front of you. Shoot it for +10 XP.
Base Camp (4/5): Just a little bit further you will stumble upon the next regular base camp, Kuwaq Yaku Ruins, which will reward you with +25 XP. Before you continue, grab the salvage and other resources around the camp.
Wade through the mud to get to the ruins.
Now it's time to continue with the story. If you did skip the collectibles, get through town and past the merchant in the old ruins, to find the temple.
You will obtain +50 XP. Lara talks to Jonah and Abby via the two-way radio.
Mural (7/10): After the talk explore the ruins where the merchant resides. In the outside area you can find a resource container for +15 XP on the right and the mural Coniraya from the set "Pantheon of Gods 2" (6/8) for +35 XP on the left. It also improves Lara's knowledge of Quechua.
Merchant: And finally, if you like, visit the merchant inside the ruins. You can sell him all your Gold Ore and Jade, as they serve no other purpose. You can also choose to sell any other resource if your inventory is full, but keep in mind, you may need it for crafting of special ammo or weapons or outfit upgrades. If you are a frequent user of these types of weapons, you may want to buy the Pistol or Rifle Ammo Pouch or even a new Pistol or Rifle, although the base ones, if upgraded are not bad at all. The Pistol sights for increased zoom factor and Pistol Suppressor for stealth kills with the handgun are also worth mentioning. There is also a special outfit piece for sale, which grants additional experience from stealth kills, if that is your thing. I wouldn't buy any resources though, you can easily collect anything you need. I actually had enough money at this point to get the pouches, the suppressor and the sight.
Conversation - Point of Interest (7): To the right of the temple sits a man on a fallen tree. Speak to him to learn that he is hearing voices. He is actually referring to the tomb we already cleared out.
Eagle: Remember the man on the jetty (Point of Interest 6) pointing you to the eagle hunting ground. It is here, in front of the temple. Shoot the eagle circling high above and then find it to loot it for rare resources. This will also bring you one step closer to getting the Legendary Hunter (2/5) trophy/achievement. If the eagle is nowhere to be seen, leave the area and return later.
Now head up the stairs into the ruins and watch the cut scene.
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