Sunday, 16. February 2025    

Trophy/Achievement Guide

Work in progress!

Please note that when following the walkthrough, and collecting all collectibles in the progress, you will have gotten the majority of trophies, more so if you've done your share of on-the-go crafting, and a variety of combat tactics (like headshots and special takedowns). So I will deal with these trophies last, as you can look them up within the walkthrough.

I have obtained my Platinum trophy, and am working on collecting all the information needed to copy my success. Most of the questions will be answered in the walkthrough, once it's been completed (or is already answered if you browse through the maps located in the 100% Completion section). Most trophies/achievements are very straight forward and easily obtainable without a guide. The more tricky ones can be found below.


Step 1: Complete the Story up to the "Point of No Return"

Start playing the story - if you want to go for a single playthrough, pick "Deadly Obsession" but be advised that it's a bit easier to beat on New Game + - and collect all items as good as you can as it will get you XP - and thus Skill Points - to level up quickly.

Note on Difficulty: Asides from Deadly Obsession and Smart and Resourceful (where you play on the highest or lowest difficulty setting respectively and can not change to a lower setting), you can cheat a little when trying to get the normal or hard difficulty trophy by putting one of the settings to the next lower difficulty. Rite of Passage (usually everything set to normal) can also be obtained with Combat set to easy, when the Exploration and Puzzles remain on normal; equally One With the Jungle (everything set to hard) can be obtained by setting Combat to normal, while the rest remains set to hard. (A deviation by -1 does not affect overall difficulty.)
Trophies that may be earned during this step (in order):

Step 2: Clean Up (Before Finishing the Game)

Now it's time to collect all items you have missed during your playthrough so far. I recommend doing this before stepping past the Point of No Return, instead of in free roam after finishing the story, to minimise the risk of running into the "Completionist" and "Dr. Croft" trophy glitch.

As the "Completionist" and "Dr. Croft" Trophies are glitchy, I recommend the following:
Install the patches! This issue has been fixed on all three platforms. Some believe that the glitches are caused by players having too many items in their inventory. To prevent that from being the cause, refrain from buying any weapons and buying or crafting any outfit parts, you do not intend to use and leave that for later.

At the Point of No Return (before completing the game), save your game to a different slot (let's call it slot 2) and go out to collect all missing collectibles (always checking each artifact really ends up in your collection) before finishing the game. You should only be short one item from "Lara's Notebook" ("The Crimson Fire") and one from "The Resistance" ("Unuratu's Amulet"), which will be obtained automatically during the last section of the game.
After you have collected everything, save to a different slot (let's call it slot 3) once more, and finish the game. Dr. Croft should pop upon collecting "The Crimson Fire", and Completionist should pop upon finishing the boss fight, before the flashback scene cuts in. (If it did not, go back to one of your two savegames (slot 1 or 2) - don't forget to save to slot 3 again after loading it up, so you don't overwrite one of the hopefully clean saves - and try again.
Trophies that may be earned during this step:

Step 3: Clean Up (in Free Roam)

If you haven't collected all of the (non-combat) misc trophies before finishing the game, you can do so in free roam. Just choose continue after finishing the game.
Trophies that may be earned during this step:

Step 4: Clean Up (in New Game +)

As there are no enemies left in free roam, you may have to start a new game. I recommend doing new game plus so everything you have unlocked carries over. (Weapons upgrades are available when the general weapon would be available in game. E.g. you will have all upgrades in Mexico, but not during the hunt for your gear in the Peruvian Jungle.) This is also the step where you complete the game on Deadly Obsession, if that is still open.
Trophies that may be earned during this step:

Base Game

Path of the Stars
Difficulty: 1/10
Story related. Cannot be missed.
"Path of the Stars" is the first story-related trophy/achievement. It is obtained for finishing the first level: Usually pops at the beginning of the next level, after the cut scene.
"Decipher the Path of the Stars"
Bronze, 15G
Día de Muertos
Difficulty: 1/10
Story related. Cannot be missed.
"Día de Muertos" is the second story-related trophy/achievement. It is obtained for finishing the following levels: Usually pops before the section "Exit the Temple" begins.
"Remove the dagger from the Temple of the Moon"
Bronze, 15G
Recipe for Disaster
Difficulty: 1/10
Story related. Cannot be missed.
"Recipe for Disaster" is the third story-related trophy/achievement. It is obtained for finishing the following levels: It will pop during the last climbing scene of the level.
"Survive the flood"
Bronze, 15G
Survival Instincts
Difficulty: 2/10
Story related. Cannot be missed.
"Survival Instincts" is one of the story-related trophy/achievement. It is obtained for completing the following levels: It pops after defeating the Empress Jaguar at the end of the aforementioned level.
"Defeat the Empress Jaguar"
Bronze, 15G
Fire of Life
Difficulty: 1/10
Story related. Cannot be missed.
"Fire of Life" is one of the story-related trophy/achievement. It is obtained for completing the following levels: It pops after stepping through the final portal in the Temple of Life.
"Enter the Temple of Life's inner chamber"
Bronze, 15 G
The Hidden City
Difficulty: 1/10
Story related. Cannot be missed.
"The Hidden City" is one of the story-related trophy/achievement. It is obtained for completing the following levels: It pops after the cutscene connecting the level Path to the Hidden City to the level The Hidden City
"Find Paititi"
Bronze, 15 G
Treasures from the Past
Difficulty: 1/10
There are many different monoliths throughout the game and for "Completionist" you have to decipher them all. To be able to decipher a monolith, you first have to learn the corresponding dialect (Mam, Quechua or Yucatec) by studying documents or murals in this dialect. (By finding all these artifacts in the game, you will have learned all the dialects in the end. But for the trophy you will just need one level of one dialect.)
"Decipher a Monolith"
Stele Hunter
Difficulty: 3/10
See Tomb Raider trophy/achievement for more info.
"Complete 3 Challenge Tombs"
Tomb Raider
Difficulty: 5/10
For this trophy/achievement you need to finish all Challenge Tombs in Shadow of the Tomb Raider. Find the list here:
Challenge Tombs & Crypts
"Complete all Challenge Tombs in the main campaign"
Dr. Croft
Difficulty: 3/10
For "Dr. Croft" you need to collect all Artifacts (relics, murals, documents and automatically taken photos) in Shadow of the Tomb Raider.

This trophy is glitched. Some players encountered difficulties, where they collected artifacts which weren't added to the artifact collection. To minimise the risk of running into this glitch, always check out an artifact in the inventory after collecting it. You are prompted to do so each time. And try to collect everything (minus the two artifacts mentioned below) before the point of no return.
(Also save your game to a different slot upon reaching the point of no return and again to a different slot after collecting everything and before stepping past the point of no return.) There are two artifacts which are collected after the Point of No Return:
  • "Unuratu's Amulet" from "The Resistance"
  • "The Crimson Fire" from "Lara's Notebook"
So before advancing past the point of no return you should have all collections at 100%, except for "Lara's Notebook" (10/11) and "The Resistance" (8/9).

This trophy pops during the "City of Serpents" upon obtaining the photo of "The Crimson Fire", if you've collected everything else before the point of no return.
"Complete all Artifact Collections"
Difficulty: 4/10
For "Completionist" you need to collect all Collectible Items and finish all Challenges. The map of every region has to be at 100%. Find a guide for this (at least as far as I got for now) here:
100% Completion
This trophy is glitched. Some players encountered difficulties, where they collected artifacts (relics, documents, murals...) which weren't added to the artifact collection. To minimise the risk of running into this glitch, always check out an artifact in the inventory after collecting it. You are prompted to do so each time.

Check that you have all artifacts collections completed, check that you have all side missions and challenges completed, check that you have all base camps found, check that all maps are at 100%
Just to make sure also collect all items in Croft Manor (I was actually missing one and still got the trophy) and check all relics for hidden information (which I also did not do).
  • Cozumel Caves (nothing)
  • Cozumel (Has two base camps which do not count, possibly visit them, if your trophy glitches.)
  • Peruvian Jungle
  • (Croft Manor - did not affect 100% for me)
  • Kuwaq Yaku
  • Trial of the Eagle
  • The Hidden City
  • Head of the Serpent (1 mural)
  • Belly of the Serpent (nothing)
  • The Mountain Temple (1 camp)
  • Cenote
  • Riverbed and Porvenir Oil Fields
  • Mission of San Juan
The trophy popped close to the end, during "City of the Serpent", after killing Amaru (I had the "options -> frame" turned on and progress jumped from 96% to 100%) just at the point where the flashback starts (my trophy screen is completely white). The story completion trophies pop much later, when Paititi is shown again, before the credits. I had 92% at the point of no return.
"Reach 100% completion"
First Steps
Difficulty: 1/10
It is highly unlikely that you miss this trophy/achievement. All you have to do is to purchase a skill at the base camp menu after obtaining a skill point.

There are a couple of skills you will need for other trophies/achievements anyway:
  • "Heart of the Jaguar" (Warrior Skill - red) needed for Made to Endure.
  • "Scales of the Serpent" (Scavenger Skill - green) needed for "In the Moment.
  • "Eye of the Eagle" (Seeker Skill - blue) needed for Sixth Sense.
"Purchase a Skill"
Makeshift Arsenal
Difficulty: 2/10
For "Makeshift Arsenal" you need to upgrade one weapon to the maximum. If you pick the AB .45 Handgun for this trophy/achievement, you will be able to upgrade is to the maximum as soon as you have the resources needed, without any other prerequisites. If you pick the Recurve Bow, you will need the skill "Raposa's Wit" ("Unlocks next weapon upgrade level.") which the top right one of the Warrior Skill (red), the one with the wrench, first.
"Fully upgrade a weapon"
On the Go
Difficulty: 1/10
"On the Go" is one of the misc gear trophies that you will probably get without even trying. All you need to do is to craft 50 pieces of special ammunition, like fire or fear arrows.

On the go crafting is achieved by choosing the correct weapon - and in case of the bow ammo (cycle special arrows (PC: mouse wheel, PS: d-pad up, Xbox: d-pad up)) - and then holding down the button for special ammo (PC: middle mouse button, PS: R1, Xbox: RT) while not aiming.
"Craft special ammunition 50 times"
Como Te Llama
Difficulty: 1/10
"Como Te Llama" is an easy trophy. There are plenty of domesticated llamas in Paititi and some in the Mission of San Juan. Just pet 5 of them to get this trophy. You can not pet wild llamas found in hunting grounds.
  • The first llama can be found down the stairs from Unuratu's hut (e.g. right at the beginning of the level The Hidden City ). [Screenshot], [Screenshot]
  • The second llama can be found near the northern bridge (more like a wooden jetty) crossing the stream in Paititi, on the right (eastern) side, near a well with trough. (You come past here when following Unuratu at the beginning of the level The Hidden City . Etzli will stop to pet the llama, too.) From the market it's down the stairs and across the bridge. And it is below the high walls of the temple. There is a woman and his child bathing/playing at the nearby waterfalls. [Screenshot], [Screenshot]
  • Two llamas can be found at the Paititi market, in the northern corner. The market is on the western side of the stream, a little to the north from the centre of the map. [Screenshot], [Screenshot] (map location)
  • One llama is found up the stairs to the south from the Paititi market. From the hut with two frog totems head up the stairs from the front yard and turn left. It is around the area where the blue washing was hung out to dry. From the yard with another frog totem and people dancing it is down the stairs to the south-east. [Screenshot], [Screenshot] (map location)
  • One llama is found in the district where Unuratu's Home and the Skull Cave are, in the south-east corner, just up a set of stairs from a hut with a relic and a survival cache buried besides it. [Screenshot], [Screenshot] (map location)
More llamas to be listed in the future.

"Pet 5 llamas"
Legendary Hunter
Difficulty: 2/10
"Legendary Hunter" is a relatively easy trophy/achievement. To obtain it, you must hunt and loot 5 rare animals. Keep your eyes open for animals that are marked in white or black with stars (not grey) on the map. There are several of these around, jaguars, eagles, wolves... . The list below will grow as I play through the game again.
  • Empress Jaguar (2) - The first animal is automatically killed and looted at the end of Rough Landing / beginning of Where the Twins Confer. A second Empress Jaguar (black with stars on the map) can be found in the Mission of San Juan region, in the jungle area south-east of town.
  • Eagle - The eagle is found in Kuwaq Yaku, in front of the temple ruins. You can first find him during Where the Twins Confer.
  • Condor (2) - The condor is encountered in the western part of Paititi (the Hidden City). A second condor can be found near the wolf den in the Mission of San Juan region, south of town.
  • Black Wolf (2) - The black wolf is found in the wolf den in the Mission of San Juan region, south of town. A second black wolf is found in the northern of the two jungle regions west of Paititi.
  • Albino Capybara - The albino capybara is found in the secluded jungle area west of Paititi (in the region "The Hidden City"). You can find it during City of the Serpent, for example on the way back to Uchu during the mission Hearts and Minds: Retrieve the Champion's Bow.
"Hunt and loot 5 rare animals"
Difficulty: 2/10
"Thanksgiving" is another simple trophy. Before you can do it, however, you have to get Flare Rounds for the pistol. Then fast travel to the Mission of San Juan region, to the base camp "Ruined Tower". (Can also be done after completing the game, in free roam.) There are plenty of turkeys just around the tower. Shoot one using the pistol while pressing the alt fire button for special ammo. (PS: R1, Xbox: RB) You have to land a direct hit for it to count.

It is possible that the turkeys aren't always there, if not try fast travel and wait till after completing the story mode.

"Shoot a turkey with a Flare Round."
Point of Interest
Difficulty: 1/10
For the "Point of Interest" trophy/achievement, you have to have conversations with civilians. Some of them will reveal points of interest on your map.
  • Kuwaq Yaku: The waitress at Abby's cafe will point you to the merchant. You will meet her automatically when leafing the deck of the cafe towards the two bridges.
  • Kuwaq Yaku: The old man with the hat sitting on a crate between the red metal bridge and the wooden bridge at the foot of Abby's cafe will point Lara to a mission in town.
  • Kuwaq Yaku: The old woman at the red hut at the lake, opposite of Abby's cafe reveals a hunting ground and a gold deposit.
  • Kuwaq Yaku: The old man at the red hut at the lake, opposite of Abby's cafe, on the jetty facing the lake, reveals the location of a monolith.
  • Kuwaq Yaku: An old woman at the north-western end of town sitting in a yellow plastic chair, opposite of the children playing in the water by the hut with one of the Archivist Maps, points Lara to a crypt in the west.
  • Paititi: A man south of the market, in the yard where people are dancing.
"Learn of 5 interesting locations from civilians"
Look, Over There!
Difficulty: x/10
While it would be extremely difficult to miss this trophy during your first playthrough, if you have, you can not get it during clean-up, as there are no enemies left. You have to get into New Game + to obtain this.

It is extremely simple, and when you have followed my combat advises in the walkthrough once in a while, you will have gotten it fairly early.
Just make some noise (like shooting an arrow into a wall, or throwing a can around) and then kill the enemy investigating the noise.
"Kill 3 enemies while they are distracted"
Bronze, 10G
Like a Shadow
Difficulty: 2/10
To obtain this trophy, you have to use stealth takedowns using the melee attack (PS4: Triangle, Xbox: Y) on enemies. This can be done from a vine or mud wall, from a patch of grass, from under water, from a branch or even by simply sneaking up on an unaware enemy from behind. You can combine it with "Sixth Sense", In the Moment" and "Made to Endure" by activating all these boosts at the same time. This can be done at every human-enemy-encounter where there you can sneak up on unaware enemies.

(This can be farmed, meaning that when you have found a spot where this is possible, you can take down all enemies except one and then reload checkpoint, all kills achieved before reloading will still count.)
"Stealth takedown 25 enemies"
Last Known Position
Difficulty: 2/10
To obtain this trophy/achievement you have to slip back into stealth mode after being seen by the enemy. Just get out of their line of sight and hide somewhere (a vine or mud wall, a patch of grass, behind a wall under water) without the enemy knowing where you are. This is easiest done in large areas where you can retreat, or in underwater areas.

"Lose the enemy 10 times"
Sixth Sense
Difficulty: 2/10
You will need the skill "Eye of the Eagle" for this.
"Sixth Sense" is a trophy you might miss during your playthrough. To obtain this trophy, you have to use perception boost, one of the herbal mixtures during combat and then kill enemies while it is still active. Perception is the one with the eye symbol. You can combine it with "In the Moment", or when the type of combat encounter allows for stealth melee kills even "Made to Endure" by activating all these boosts at the same time.

Opportunities: (This can be farmed, meaning that when you have found a spot where this is possible, you can take down all enemies except one and then reload checkpoint, all kills achieved before reloading will still count.)
"Hunt and kill 10 enemies while Perception is active"
In the Moment
Difficulty: 2/10
You will need the skill "Scales of the Serpent" for this.
"In the Moment" is a trophy you might miss during your playthrough. To obtain this trophy, you have to use focus boost, one of the herbal mixtures during combat and then kill enemies while it is still active. Focus is the one with the hourglass symbol. You can combine it with "Sixth Sense", or when the type of combat allows for stealth melee kills also "Made to Endure" by activating all these boosts at the same time.

Opportunities: (This can be farmed, meaning that when you have found a spot where this is possible, you can take down all enemies except one and then reload checkpoint, all kills achieved before reloading will still count.)
"Kill 10 enemies while Focus is active"
Made to Endure
Difficulty: 3/10
You will need the skill "Heart of the Jaguar" for this.
"Made to Endure" sounds just like Sixth Sense and In the Moment, however the devil is in the detail, and the little detail is "takedown". A takedown is any melee stealth attack (knifing from a vine or mud wall or a patch of vegetation, a takedown from above, or below or even from under water. Sneaking up on an unaware enemy from behind and using the melee attack will also count. Whenever you get the opportunity to kill enemies from a concealment, activate the Endurance boost (the one with the shield), and take him down. Can be combined with

Opportunities: (This can be farmed, meaning that when you have found a spot where this is possible, you can take down all enemies except one and then reload checkpoint, all kills achieved before reloading will still count.)

"Takedown 10 enemies while Endurance is active."
Difficulty: 3/10
"Gunslinger" might sound difficult at first but is actually quite easy when you know how and when. There are two details that can make your life easier:
  1. The first is a silencer, which is purchased from a merchant in Paititi.
  2. The second is the Scales of the Serpent (or the improved versions II and III) skill, which can be unlocked in the skills tree at base camps and which gives a focus boost (slows down time when aiming), after using focus plant herbal mixtures (the one with the hour glass).
The latter is not essential for your success.

During first playthrough:
When you have the skill unlocked, find a group of three enemies (preferably stationary, oblivious of Lara's presence, and without a helmet) and quickly shoot them in the head. (I don't have a perfect spot during the first playthrough yet. - Playing on hard, not having upgraded the skill and having a lot of helmeted enemies during the end of the game, I had this one still open when I finished the game. - I will add such a spot later.)

In New Game +:
This trophy/achievement is fortunately easily done in New Game +. Make sure, you have purchased a silencer for your handgun and if possible unlocked the Scales of the Serpent skill. Then begin New Game + (on easy if you like). Quickly play through the Cozumel bit, up to the part where Lara exits the Temple and has to go through the dig site. When you reach the part where three enemies are talking and a fourth is up on the wall on the right, which I describe in Enemy Encounter (1), use the focus boost - if you can, then take out your gun and first shoot the enemy closest to you (in Survival Instincts you can see that he is marked in yellow and thus not in the line of sight for his colleagues), then quickly take out the other two, all with headshots.

"Perform 3 headshots in 3 seconds with the pistol."
Chain Gang
Difficulty: 3/10
"Chain Gang" is a trophy most players might get during their regular playthrough. It is not that difficult but it requires you to unlock the necessary skill "Serpent's Fury" from the Serpent (green) skill tree. Before you can unlock Serpent's Fury, you first have to unlock Serpent's Strike. Once you have the necessary skill, find a spot during the story progression where Lara can hide from Trinity forces. Wait for a pair of two to approach her hiding spot and then take out the first in melee, while still killing the first, press the button again to grab the second, if he is close enough. Do this whole thing three times and you'll get the trophy. If you still have not obtained this one at the end of the game. Begin a New Game + and concentrate on doing this every opportunity you'll get. It is not difficult but a bit of a pain if you've missed it during the first playthrough.

"Perform the Serpent's Fury 3 times."
Deadly Obsession
Difficulty: 8/10
It probably goes without saying that this is the most difficult trophy in Shadow of the Tomb Raider. Deadly Obsession is the highest difficulty and besides completely deactivating Survival Instincts you can only save your game at base camps.

This can(!) be done in New Game +.
"Complete Shadow of the Tomb Raider on Deadly Obsession difficulty"
© Nur für den privaten Gebrauch. Letzte Änderung: 14 Feb 2024, 18:54
by tombraidergirl
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