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20. The Lost Library

Finds & Enemies: 3 Secrets (#50-#52), 4 Items (Fire Circle Scroll, 3x Golden Star), Enemies (Mechanical Knights, 1 Mechanical Horseman) Length: Gaming Time:
First Time Average: Story: Additional Help: If you need more help with this level, please click on one of the resources linked in the footer.
Legend: Youtube (Youtube), Youtube (Forums), Trophies & Achievements (Trophies/Achievements), Controls (Controls), Savegames (Savegames), Gear (Gear), Traps (Traps), Enemies (Enemies)

Getting into the Library

Crawl into the gap and lower yourself into the passage. Enter the main chamber. There are three doors on your left, three doors on your right and a big gate in front. The big gate is closed.

Second Door on the Left

Enter the second door on the left. You'll come to an opening with a bar. In the hole, you can see some rotating blades. Jump onto the pole. Watch the blade and slide down when the path is clear. Slide down till your feet can touch the next blade and make a backsault into the chamber on this level. Shoot the vase and collect the small medipack. Jump back onto the pole. Slide down through the next gap, again waiting for the blades to retract. There again make a backwards flip into the chamber. Choose a place where no vase is. (Alternatively, just run towards the hole and press forward while dropping. Lara will then land in the lower section.) Shoot the two vases. Collect the large medipack and the red shotgun ammo. Now drop through the last opening when the path is clear.

First Golden Star

Run along the passage. You'll come to another shaft with a pole and blades. Ignore the pole. Jump straight up at the wall and pull yourself up. Run up the stairs. In the next room, you'll encounter a knight in golden armour. You can kill him by shooting at the green blue gem on his chest. Now break the golden star out of the wall by using the crowbar.

Secret 50:
Run towards the wheel on the left. Step into the corner closest to the entrance. Climb down the shaft of the wheel by using the ladder. Climb further down and follow the passage. Collect the small medipack, the revolver ammo and the uzi ammo. Climb back up and return to the chamber where you collected the star.

The Horseman

Now climb up the ladder at the pillar on the left. Follow the path down the stairs. Jump onto the pole and slide down. Enter the chamber. Shoot another knight coming from the front. Now run over to the left. There you'll find a doorway where you can place the gem. Another knight is approaching from the left. Kill him. Climb down the ladder into the pit. Crawl through the passage. Run to the left. There you can see a horse in armour. (Movie: You'll see a knight approaching the horse.)> He will climb onto the horse and then attack you. You have to shoot him a couple of times from the left. On the right, he is holding a coat of arms. He will then fall from the horse and you can kill him like the others. He will lose his crystal, the Horseman's Gem when he dies. Collect it.
Secret 51: Run into the chamber left of the entrance. Take out the crossbow with explosive ammo and aim at the dangling box at the rope. When you hit it, the gate next to it will open. Climb in. Collect the large medipack, the red shotgun ammo and the uzi ammo. Return to the chamber.
Now crawl back into the passage and climb the ladder back up.

Using Horseman's Gem

Now run towards the gate behind the second pillar on your right. Use the gem to open the door. Pull the chain in the chamber. (Movie: A door in the water tunnels underneath will open.) Leave the room and run into the passage on the right. Climb up the pole. Follow the path and climb the ladder back down.

Water Tunnels via Right Passage

Step into the right passage at the back. Stay on the right and run past the first chain. Turn left and run past the second chain. Follow the path and run past the next chain. You'll come to a chamber with two fires and another wheel. There you'll also find a trapdoor. Stand on its right side and press action to open it. Jump into the water and dive into the passage. Dive down to the right. Dive into the big chamber and there into the passage on your right. Climb out of the pool. Break the two stars out of the wall by using the crowbar. Jump back into the water. Dive back out. And run past the chains back into the main chamber.

or: Water Tunnels via Left Passage

Step into the left passage at the back. Run past the three chains and turn left. You'll come to a chamber with another wheel. There you'll also find a trapdoor. Stand on its left side and press action to open it. Jump into the water and dive into the passage. Dive to the left to come to the big chamber. Dive into the passage ahead. Climb out of the pool. Break the two stars out of the wall by using the crowbar. Jump back into the water. Dive back out. And run past the chains back into the main chamber.

Way Back Into the Main Library Chamber

Follow the stairs and drop back down into the passage. Follow it. Climb up the pole on the other side. You have to be very very quick in order not to get hurt too much and you might have to backflip onto one of the levels in-between to use a medipack. (If you haven't done so on your way down, you can now collect the goodies.)

Second Door on the Right - How to place the Globes

Open the second door on the right. Run down the stairs. As soon as you step into the chamber, two fire ghosts emerge. Now you have to get rid of them. Run down the passage to the right and turn left. (Or enter the passage ahead and turn right.) Jump into the pool. Climb out when the two ghosts are gone. If you stand on the right wall, Lara will look up into the dark tunnel. Take out the binoculars and zoom in. Now push the action button to activate night sight. Now you'll be able to see how the globes have to be positioned. Turn around, run along the right passage and shoot the vase. Collect the small medipack. Turn left to get back into the main chamber. Run back up the stairs to return to the main chamber.

First Door on the Left - The Fire Circle Scroll

Now open the first door on the left. Follow the passage. Shoot the vase on the left and collect the Uzi Ammo and the small medipack. In the next room, you'll encounter two knights in golden armour. You can kill them by shooting at the green blue gem on their chest. On the pedestal is a scroll. You can't pick it up which is very stupid, because you need its hints now. It's the fire circle scroll. The text says: "For the serpents to live, all must first be stilled. Provoke each in turn, and the circle will burn complete." Return to the hall.

Last Door on the Right - Planet Riddle

Now run towards the last door on the right. Open it and step into the passage. Shoot the vase and collect the small medipack. Now follow the path into the room with the planet globes. Use the three stars to open the little chambers with the globes. Pull them out. You have to move the blue one (the one standing outside and representing earth) onto the centre spot. (A little hologram will appear on top of the globe if it's in the correct spot.) Now pull out the grey globe. (This is the one in the right chamber at the wall opposite the entrance and it's supposed to be the moon.) Push it onto the spot closest to earth. Now you have to push the green globe (the one left of where the moon was) onto the next circle. Now pull out the red globe (Mars) from the chamber on the left and move it onto the next circle. Then move the yellow globe from the right onto the black spot of the outer circle. If all globes are in the right place, blue sparks will appear and the door on the left will open.

The Serpents

Run into the now open passage. Shoot the vase at the end and collect the large medipack. Turn left and follow the passage to the end. Now shoot the vase there and collect the blue shotgun ammo. The door on your left leads back to the main chamber. Open it just in case. Now follow the passage on the right. You'll come to a room with serpents. Your task is to light all of them. In order to do so you have to use the lever on every single one of them. Start with the one in front and move around to the left. (Don't step onto the platform with the star symbol on the left side, as it will turn off all the burners. Use it only to reset the puzzle if you think you've made a mistake. Start all over again.) When all the burners are on a block in the middle of the room will be raised.

Way to the Upper Doors

Climb up and from the highest one into the passage on the left. Run up the stairs. Run down into the next chamber. Climb up the ladder on the right. Run along the balcony and shoot the two vases. Pick up the small medipack from the second one. Climb back down and enter the passage. Shoot the vase and collect the uzi ammo. Follow the path down the stairs. Continue till you come to a door. Open it. You are now on the upper level. There are five doors here. One left of you and three on the opposite, the right side.

Upper Level - Third Door on the Right - Pharos Pillar

Now run over to the other side and step through the third door. Enter the chamber at the back. A fire ghost will appear. Quickly run towards the trapdoor and open it from the front. Climb down the ladder. You are back in the chamber where you already met two fire ghosts. Run along the passage to come back to the pool and jump in. Wait for the ghost to be extinguished. Then return to the ladder and climb back up. Take the pharos pillar from the pedestal. Return to the balcony.

Upper Level - First Door on the Right - Lion Heads

Open the door and step inside. In front of you is a slide. Slide down.
Secret 52: Jump up when you can see the ladder in front of you. Grab it and climb up. You are now on top of a lion's head. Turn right and make a running jump to the platform there. Collect the large medipack and the crossbow ammo.
Now drop down to ground level. (If you get down into the trench, a knight will be triggered and has to be killed.) Run up the ramp. Careful you'll trigger a boulder. Get as far up as you can now turn left and jump towards the jump switch. Press action to use it. A block will be elevated. Climb onto the lower block and then onto the higher. Now make a running jump towards the platform above the archway. Climb into the opening on the left. Follow the path. At the doorway turn a bit to the right and make a running jump towards the lion's head. Do not grab the ledge. Pull the chain. This will open the lion's mouth. Slide down the front side backwards and grab the ledge above the nose. Let go to grab the mouth. Crawl in. Climb up the pole. At the top, leave it with a backsault.

Music Scroll

The door on the left will open when approached. Step inside and collect the torch on the left. Step onto of the gratings on the walls to light the burner on that side. Light the torch. Now follow the stairs down. Go through the next door. Drop the torch on the wooden floor. It will start to burn. After a while, a hole will be burned into the ground and you can drop through. Pick up the scroll on the floor in the middle of the room. Shoot the vase and collect the red shotgun ammo. Now climb into the passage. Open the door. You're back on ground level. (If you now step into the first chamber, on the left you can pick the scroll from the pedestal and read the text, telling you how to solve the serpents riddle.)

Way back up and 2nd Door on the Left

Now enter the middle door on the right. Climb up the ladder to return to the chamber where you found the pharos knob. Now run into the passage with the lantern and return to the balcony. Turn left and run over to the other side. Open the last door and step inside. Shoot the vase and pick up the uzi ammo. Enter the next chamber. Place the music scroll on the stand. (Movie: Lara will play some music and a secret door will open.)

Opening the Big Gate

Enter the secret passage. Follow it out to the balcony. Pull the chain. The big gate will open. Jump over the railing and exit through the gate.
© Nur für den privaten Gebrauch. Letzte Änderung: 29 Aug 2018, 21:18
by tombraidergirlnext
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