Saturday, 26. October 2024    


14. Atlantis

Finds (51): 3 secrets, 50 pickups (3 small medipacks, 5 large medipacks, 4 Shotgun Shells, 2 Magnum Clips, 36 Uzi Clips), 1 Weapon (Uzis), 1 Key (Scion) Enemies (32+1): 16 Atlantean, 13 Flying Atlantean, 2 Centaurs + Lara Double Gaming Time: 1 hour 10 minutes

First Room

Follow the passage ahead. Collect the Uzi Ammo or the Uzis, if you don't have them yet. Then step outside. On both sides are green globes. The first one on the left opens and releases a mutant. Kill it. Step forward. The globe on the right releases its hatchling as well. Kill it. Run to the other end and kill the mutant from the last egg on the left. Pick up the Uzi Ammo. Turn left and run through the door opening in front of you. Climb the stairs. At the top, you will come to a room with semi transparent floor tiles, above the room with the six green eggs. Be careful not to drop through the big opening in the middle. Collect the small medipack on the left. Then run towards the middle walkway. Downstairs another egg opens and releases a winged demon. Kill it. (If you drop down now another globe will explode and release another creature. In this case, you have to climb up again.) Then pick up the shotgun shells. Run over to the other side and use the lever in the alcove on the right. Turn around and step into the alcove you just opened opposite. Use the lever there as well. Run back to the other side. Below another creature is release. Kill it from up here if possible. You have opened a passage up here opposite the stairs you cam up. Step inside. Run down the stairs. Here you will find another lever, which opens the middle door in the big room.

Big Lava Chamber

Return there. Step through the door. You will now come to a big lava filled chamber. Kill the demon flying around there. If necessary get him to follow you back to the previous room. Step out onto the platform.
Secret 1: Hang from the front ledge. Let go and grab the lower ledge. Pull up. Enter the passage. Collect the large medipack and the Uzi Ammo and Magnum Ammo. Follow the passage further. Drop down at the end.
(If you've collected the secret, you will take a shortcut and avoid some snapping blades. If you don't want to collect the secret, you can also make a running jump towards the entrance on the right. Then jump through the snapping blades.) Follow the passage out onto the semi-transparent bridge. Make a standing jump towards the gap at the wall. Grab the ledge. Shimmy towards the middle. Let go and grab the ledge of the lower passage. Use the lever to open a gate on the other side of the previous room. Run up the ramp. Collect the Uzi Ammo and jump back onto the bridge. Make a running jump towards the second part of the bridge. Press action and pull up. Below a winged demon will be released. Kill it or just ignore it. Follow the passage. Save at the crystal at the other end.

Jumping and timed Door

Take a running jump towards the pillar ahead. Grab the ledge and pull up. Turn to face the brown slope. You can see two steps just above the pillar and three more to the right. Take a running jump onto the closest step. Quickly make a standing jump up to the right onto the next step and avoid the boulder coming down at the first step. Turn right and make a running jump over to the steps there. You will slide down a bit onto one of the lower steps.
Secret 2: Jump up onto the next step on the right. Then make a standing jump onto the step left. Then continue onto the next step on the right. From there continue onto the step in front of the passage. Climb into the passage. Collect the large medipack, the Magnum Ammo and Uzi Ammo. Get back outside.
Slide down the hill at the wall. You will land on a platform with a locked gate. Turn to face the wall right of the gate and take a running jump over to the platform there. Grab the ledge. Pull up. Turn right and make a running jump towards the platform with the medipack. Grab the ledge, pull up and collect the large medipack. Continue towards the next platform. Again, grab the ledge and climb up. Enter the passage. Use the lever in that chamber. Then get back out and jump into the water. Dive to the right and find the lever at the right wall. Use it. Then quickly dive towards the platform underneath the first pillar. From there climb up onto the pillar. Jump back over the two steps and then towards the wall with a running jump. Slide down towards the door and step through before it closes.

Climbing and Diving

In this next chamber, take a running jump towards the lowest blocks in front. Grab the ledge and pull up. Climb the blocks and at the end jump into the passage on the left. Save your game at the crystal. Follow the passage up. Take a running jump across the spike pit. Climb further up and jump into the water on the left. Dive into the tunnel ahead. Pick up the shotgun ammo and then use the lever at the wall. Now dive into the next chamber and swim up towards the surface. Climb out into the passage. In front is a set of snapping blades. You can run through them. Pick up the Uzi Ammo on the platform outside. Quickly take a running jump towards the platform on the right. Pull up and kill the flying demon. Then collect the Uzi Ammo. Then follow the passage. Jump into the water and dive up into the next chamber. Climb out of the water.

5 Levers

In this chamber, you will find five levers. Two of them release winged demons; three of them will open underwater doors. Go towards the south wall. (This is the one right from where you are coming.) Pull the left lever to open a door underwater. Then pull the lever in the middle to open a second door. Leave the one in the right corner alone. It will release a winged demon. Now jump over to the other side and prepare to fight a creature. Leave the lever on the right alone. It will only release another winged demon. Pull the lever in the left corner to open the third gate. Save your game at the crystal, collect the Uzi Ammo and step through the door in the northern wall.

The Boulder

Jump into the water and dive through the tunnel. Climb out at the end. Follow the passage and run up. Run into the passage on the right. Use the lever at the left wall. Step through the door and pick up the Uzi Ammo. Look at the passage at the other end. A boulder will come down from the right and block the passage. Run towards the crate in the far left corner. Pull it out and then onto the wall where to boulder came down. Then follow the other passage out again. Turn right to come back to the lever. The boulder will be reset. Use the lever again and watch the boulder getting caught behind the crate. Now enter the passage the boulder had blocked.

Lava Room with Slopes

Follow the passage out and kill another winged demon. Then take a running jump over to the platform on the right. Step into the passage and save your game at the crystal. Enter the next room. Two winged demons will be released. Kill them. Then look over to the opposite side. You can stand on the red platforms, but not on the brown. Slide down so you can jump towards one of the red platforms. Run up and collect the Uzi Ammo, the small medipack and the shotgun ammo. Now step out into the next chamber. Turn right. There you will meet another flying creature. Kill it and if necessary retreat to the previous passage. Then run back along the walkway and pick up the Uzi ammo. You cannot continue here, as you can't get up the slope. So go over to the left side. Jump onto the walkway there. Step forwards and jump towards the platform underneath the green globe. Retreat into the passage and kill the released creature. Run up the passage and collect the Uzi ammo. Return to the platform outside and take a running jump towards the brown ledge. Turn left and shoot the creature in the passage on the left. Turn back and walk forward. Make a running jump towards the wall opposite. Run to the right. Pick up the Uzi ammo. Run towards the lever and use it. Run over to the other side. Jump over the gap and run towards the crate. Pull it out and step into the passage behind. Run up till you come to the snapping doors. Jump through. Turn right. Walk forward and make a running jump into the passage there.

Lava Room with rearrangeable Pillars

Climb up to the left. Collect the small medipack and the Uzi Ammo. Step outside and kill another flying creature. Then make a running jump towards the platform on the right. Step through the opening door. Follow the passage out and save your game at the crystal. Walk to the end and make a running jump towards the pillar there. Enter the passage and pull the lever to rearrange the pillars in the room. Jump back towards the walkway at the entrance door. Walk to the door and then running jump towards the pillar at the wall there. Continue with a standing jump towards the pillar in the middle. Now make a running jump towards the low platform underneath the entrance. Climb into the passage. Use the lever at the end to rearrange the blocks again. From the door frame jump onto the pillar on your left. Then make a running jump towards the pillar on your left. Turn left and jump onto the pillar there. Continue with a running jump towards the entrance. Follow the passage.


Step into the next passage. On the left are three mutant creatures waiting. Kill them jumping sideways all the time.
Secret 1: Get back into the passage and step onto the square looking different from the others. Then run up the hill and into the open chamber on the right. Pick up the Uzi ammo, the shotgun ammo and the large medipack. Get back out into the passage.
Follow the next passage. The door opens. Do not use the lever. It will set the lava in motion. Instead, climb into the passage above the entrance. Follow the passage. Step outside. Take a running jump over to the platform on the right. Pick up the Uzi ammo. Enter the passage. Kill the creature, then pick up some more Uzi ammo. Follow the passage further. You will come to a ramp with snapping doors. There are dart emitters on both sides. Run up. Before you reach the doors, a boulder will be triggered. Make a sideflip. Then run up again and run through the doors. Save your game at the crystal.

The Two Levers

Push the crate on the left twice. Run to the right. There you will find two levers. Use the right one. Leave the platform quickly with a sideflip or backflip. Hang from the ledge of the new opening. Drop down. Jump over the pit, this triggers a boulder. Make a backflip to get out of the way. Then again jump over the pit. Go towards the alcove on the left. Climb up and use the lever at the top. This opens the door between the two levers. Climb further up. Drop down on the other side. Follow the passage up. Collect the Uzis on the left. Run into the direction of the lever. The globe on the right will explode and reveal a centaur. Jump from side to side while shooting at it. After it has died, use the lever. Step into the passage and save your game at the crystal.


Slide down the slope. Quickly kill the two creatures but be careful not to hit the small creature. It's best to kill them from the passageway. If you shoot at the small creature, it will shoot back at you. The creature does everything Lara does. Run over to the right and run up the stone ramp. Climb onto the block. Turn around and jump onto the pillar. Take a running jump over to the left corner of the giant platform. Use the lever to open the trapdoor on this platform. It is filled with lava. This door is timed, so you have to hurry. Lower onto the ground. Now run over to the sandy ramp quickly. (With a running jump from the big platform, you can land on that sandy ledge.) Climb up onto the pillar there. Turn around and jump onto the next pillar. Take a running jump over to the giant sand platform. Run over the square in the middle. This way the alien creature will drop into the lava pit you've just opened. This should open the door on the platform with the lava pit.
Bug Warning:
In the PSX Version I have encountered a bug, I was too slow and the creature didn't drop into the lava pit. Instead, I found it lying dead (?) underneath the sand platform. It wouldn't move. I had to reload.
Again, climb onto the platform with the lava pit. Now step through the open door.

Getting into the Main Room

Climb up. Collect the Uzi Ammo. Run up the passage. Turn left. Here you have to kill another centaur. Pick up the Uzi Ammo after he is gone. Step out. On the right is another creature. Kill it as well. On the end of both walkways are levers. The right opens the door of the complex in the middle. The left raises a drawbridge. Run over to the left side and pick up the Uzi Ammo. Now follow the walkway to the right. Use the lever at the end. Make a roll and quickly run back along the walkway and now follow the left part. You can shortcut by jumping across the corners. Use the lever at the end. Again make a roll and quickly run towards the drawbridge. Cross it and step through the door. Enter the chamber. Pick up the Uzi Ammo. Then step up the ramp on the left towards the spinning device with the scion. Press action to take the scion.
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