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8. The Cistern

Task: Find two silver keys and flood the hall to get through the big gate at the end. (Careful, if you flood the hall before going through the left Rusty-Key-Door, you cannot get the silver key there.) Finds & Enemies: 3 Secrets , 26 Pickups, 36 Kills: 36 Length: approx. 50 minutes Additional Help: If you need more help with this level, please click on one of the resources linked in the footer.
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1st Rusty Key

Hang from the ledge and drop down. Shoot the giant rat. Then push the block twice. Now push it to the right, underneath the lever. Climb up and pull the lever. This opens a trapdoor and releases two giant rats. Shoot the rats from up here. Enter the chamber they came out of and pick up the large medipack. Then perform a Safety Drop through the trapdoor. Run out onto the bridge. Try to shoot two giant rats and two crocodiles from up here. Turn right. Make a running jump to the platform there. Shoot the rat. Now advance towards the gap on the right wall. Jump up, hold on to it and shimmy left. Drop onto the platform at the end and collect the shotgun ammo. Then turn left and hang onto the ledge there. Shimmy further left. Pull up at the end. Climb onto the wall on the right and run along to the end. Collect a Rusty Key.

Left Rusty-Key-Door

Drop back onto the walkway below. Jump back towards the bridge you came from. Jump onto the next part of the bridge. Continue with a running jump and grabbing the ledge onto the first platform with the door on the left. Use the key to open the door. Step into the chamber. On both sides are columns and overhead are some platforms. Climb onto the platform above the entrance. Kill two gorillas appearing below. Then take a running jump towards the second platform. Underneath Pierre appears, shoot at him till he runs away. Take a running jump towards the third platform and grab the ledge. Pull up. Then collect the large medipack. Make a running jump towards the next platform and grab the ledge. Pull up.
Goodies: Walk forward till you reach the edge. Now take one step back and jump forward. Do not try to grab the ledge or you will miss. Pick up the magnum ammo. Now take a running jump back towards the previous platform. Grab the ledge and pull up again.

Crocodile Chamber

Now make a running jump towards the gap at the wall. Hold on to it and shimmy into the passage on the right. Let go. Climb down then slide down the ramps till you are on the last platform. Shoot the crocodile in the room below. Then slide down the last bit. Two more crocodiles will come out of a passage. Enter the passage and collect the large medipack. Kill the rat. Then get back outside. Climb onto the block. Save your game at the Save Crystal. Climb onto the second block. Turn around and make a standing jump towards the platform. Pull yourself up. Make a running jump towards the platform in the corner and again pull up. Turn right. Running jump towards the platform there. From the edge, make a standing jump onto the platform below. Jump onto the gap in the wall and shimmy left. Pull up at the end. Use the lever to open the door. Then step into the chamber.

Silver Key

Look down. In front of you is a spike trap. Shoot the rat running around in the trench. Jump to the left to get over the spikes. Kill the second rat. Carefully drop down into the chamber. Kill the rat. Now enter the next chamber. Climb up the stairs and into the alcove in the wall. Turn right and climb onto the platform there. Get into the corner. Turn right and make a running jump towards the next platform. Climb up onto the higher part. Turn right and make a running jump towards the next platform. Make a standing jump to reach the passage with the lever. Use the lever to open the door on ground level. Jump back towards the previous platform. Climb down the way you came. Shoot the rat on the ground. Then enter the chamber and pick up the silver key. When you step out of the niche Pierre is back, you know what to do.

Returning to Main Chamber

After getting rid of him jump into the pool. Dive into the passage where you'll meet a crocodile. Climb out of the water in the next chamber and try killing the crocodile. (Take a look at the chamber you are in. There is an underwater lever high above, also there are platforms with rats and a large & small medipack.) Then jump back into the water and follow the left passage further on. Dive out into the big pool in the main chamber. Climb out and quickly kill all remaining rats and crocodiles.
Secret 1: Jump back into the water. Get oriented. If the gargoyles are in front, then the tunnel you came out of is on your left - on the side with the golden door - and behind you is a tunnel with an opening on the left and the right side. Dive into one of them. Pickup the magnum ammo in the depression in the middle. Dive out on the other side. Climb out of the water.

Water Switch

Now run over to the ramp with the gargoyles. Climb the stairs on the left side to get up. From there jump towards the bridge on your left. Climb onto the pillar and save your game at the Save Crystal. Turn to face the balcony and jump over there. Enter the chamber. There you'll meet Pierre again. Shoot him till he runs away. Use the lever after he is gone. (If you drop into the water you can collect the goodies later on, you have to return here anyway. But make sure you flip the switch.) Climb onto the blocks at the right wall and step onto the highest elevation. From here turn to face the wall and jump up and pull into the niche at the wall. Collect the small medipack.
Secret 2: Run up the slope and climb into the corner on the left. Climb up ahead, then to the left again. Pick up the shotgun shells. Slide down the slope. Jump before you've reached the end and grab the ledge. Pull up and collect some more shotgun shells. Then slide down. You'll end up back in the room where you've started.
Return onto the wall on the right and step on the elevated block. Turn right to face the walkway in the middle of the room. Make a running jump to get there. Now continue with another running jump towards the opposite wall. This time press Action to grab the ledge. Pull up. Pick up the large medipack and the shotgun shells. Hang from the ledge and slide down the slope carefully. You will drop into the water.

2nd Rusty Key

Dive into the tunnel. In the next chamber, turn left and climb out of the water. Shoot the rats. Run up the stairs. At the top turn left. Make a running jump towards the next platform. Grab the ledge and pull yourself up. At the end turn left again. Make a running jump towards the next platform. (If you drop onto the lower platform, you have to do a standing jump from the edge.) Grab the ledge and pull up. Collect the next Rusty Key. Follow the passage and hang from the ledge at the end. Shimmy left. Let go when it's safe. Quickly shoot the rats. Slide down the ramp at the other end of the room and save your game at the Save Crystal.

Gold Key

By using the lever in the room where you've met Pierre you have flooded the whole chamber. Kill what's remaining of rats and crocodiles then jump into the water. Swim over to the opposite side and towards the right door. Use the second rusty key at that door. Jump into the waterhole. Dive through the spikes and down into the chamber. There is another opening in the ceiling, which will lead to another chamber. Collect the small medipack and the Gold Key. Then dive out into the big chamber before the crocodile can get you. Climb out of the water and shoot the crocodile.

2nd Silver Key

Jump back into the water and dive back into the passage you came out of earlier on. It's on the side with the larger balcony. Don't forget the water level is much higher now. Dive up into the first chamber. Climb out onto one of the platforms. Kill the rat on this one than the rat on the other platform. Pick up the shotgun shells, the large medipack, the small medipack and save your game at the Save Crystal. Now jump back into the water. Pull the lever under water just underneath the platform where you found the shotgun shells. A door opens. This door is underneath the lever. Dive into the niche and pick up the silver key. The next door opens. Dive out into the main chamber again.

Level End

Now swim over to the platform in front of the large balcony. This is just above you. Climb out. Climb up to the top.
Secret 3: On both sides are stone squares with Aries heads. The upper one on the left can be moved. Step into the chamber behind. On your left is a slope. Get into the far left corner. Turn around and make a backflip onto the slope. Jump up and grab the ledge of the platform above. Pull up. Pick up 2 packs of magnum ammo and a large medipack. Leave the chamber again.
Use the first silver key to open the door, and the second to open the second door. Climb onto the pillar on your right and save your game at the Save Crystal. Turn around and make a standing jump towards the walkway. Grab the ledge and pull up. Make a running jump over to the platform with the golden keyhole. Pull up and kill the gorilla. Use the key to open the door below. Climb down and kill the two lions. Step through the door. You will end up in a big chamber. Careful there are collapsing floor tiles with spikes underneath. On the left side is one tile where there are no spikes underneath. If you drop down and press Action Lara will pick up a small medipack. The lever on the other side will release three lions. Leave it alone! But if you want the kills, you can always climb onto the blocks behind the lever. Inside the lions chamber is another lever. It operates the door, nothing more. The block behind the one with the lever can be moved. Pull it out twice.
Goodies: Then pull it away from the wall 4 times and push it once more. Climb onto it. Climb up onto the platform. Collect the large medipack and two packs of magnum ammo. The door on the right offers you a view into the lion's den. Two rats will come through the door behind you. Kill them if you go there.
Now step into the niche where the block was. Drop into the water to finish the level.
© Nur für den privaten Gebrauch. Letzte Änderung: 12 Feb 2024, 15:35
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