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2. City of Vilcabamba

Version: Tomb Raider I Walkthrough, October 2004 Task: Explore Vilcabamba to find a Gold Idol and a Silver Key. Use the Key to open a gate to the temple. Explore the left, the right and the middle chamber in this order to continue to a receptacle where you can use the Gold Idol and continue to the Lost Valley. Finds (13): 3 Secrets, 11 Supplies (6 Small Medi Packs, 2 Large Medi Packs, 1 Magnum Clip, 1 Uzi Clip, 1 Shotgun Shell), 2 keys (Gold Idol, Silver Key) Enemies (29): 16 Bats, 11 Wolves, 2 Bears Shuttered Floor Panels (14): 2 in the chamber with the old Idol and Silver Key, 12 in the water chamber behind the right door Length: Gaming Time: 25 minutes

Wolves and Bats

Draw your weapons and enter the next part of the cave, where you shoot the four Wolves1-4/29 attacking you. Once all four have been killed, it's time to explore Vilcabamba. Run into the long broad passage ahead and shoot another Wolf5/29 in the cave at the end. In the far corner, run into the passage on the left. Shoot the three Bats6-8/29 lurking on the ceiling. Follow the tunnel further, ignoring the passage on the left. In a corner with some greenery, another Wolf9/29 will attack. Kill him, before you collect a Small Medi Pack1/13 he was guarding.

Gold Idol and Silver Key

Run into the passage on the left, turn left at the next crossing and use the Lever next to the closed door on the left wall. The door opens. Step inside and run up the stairs. At the top step out into the window. Make a running jump to the opposite window. Run over the two collapsing floortiles and jump to get towards the Large Medi Pack.2/13 If you don't make the jump, you can also reach the alcove via the movable stone block. Now drop onto the floor. In the wall underneath the platform is a movable crate. Push it forward. In the chamber behind, a Bat10/29 will attack you. Kill it. Then run into the rear part. On the right is an alcove with a skull pattern, Pick up the Gold Idol3/13 lying there. On the left side is an alcove with a Silver Key.4/13 Now use the crate to get up onto the higher level. Shoot the two Bats.11-12/29 In the original PlayStation Version there is a Save Crystal here. Run towards the window, but before exiting pick up the Large Medi Pack5/13 on the left. Now leave the room through the window and shoot the two bats.13-14/29

Bear and Pool

Now run into the centre part, to the village square with the well. There enter the hut through one of the two doors. Draw your guns, because a Bear15/29 is living here. Kill him. Then climb onto the higher level of the hut. You might want to kill the bear from up here. In the right corner is a Small Medi Pack.6/13 Exit the room.
Secret 1: Get towards the pool. Jump into the water and dive into the tunnel. Turn right. Dive up the passage. Turn left and use the lever on the left wall. A door in another room will open. Dive down the tunnel again. This time follow the path ahead. Turn left. Climb out of the water and enter the chamber in the far right corner. Pick up the Small Medi Pack7/13 and the Magnum Clips8/13. Jump back into the water and dive into the tunnel again.
Secret 2: Dive back into the chamber where the lever war. This time dive into the right corner. There is another underwater lever on the wall. Use it and dive up into the opening overhead. Climb out. Pick up the Small Medi Pack.9/13 Now use the Lever and exit through the open door back onto the village square.
Turn left and run into the wide passage there. There is a door with a lock. Use the silver key to open it. You will probably be attacked by three bats16-18/29 from the corridor on the left. Further there are two bats19-20/29 in one of the connecting corridors leading to the village square.

The Left Door

Step through the open door. Run quickly through the next passage, as there are some dart emitters in the walls. Shoot the five Wolves21-25/29 on your way towards the stairs. Enter the left passage. Run up the stairs. At the top turn left. From the edge, make a standing jump towards the platform. Grab the ledge and pull yourself up. Make a running jump towards the platform with the doorway on the right. Enter the passage. Run up the stairs. At the top, shoot another bat.26/29 In front of you is a gap. Make a running jump to get towards the other side. Follow the stairs further up. Shoot another Bat27/29 and pick up the Small Medi Pack.10/13 Then pull the Lever to open the right door. Step out onto the balcony. Hang from the ledge and shimmy right. Let go. Pick up the Shotgun Shells.11/13 Hang from the ledge and drop onto the red roof. Pick up the Small Medi Pack.12/13 Drop down to the floor.

The Right Door

Now step through the right door. Enter the chamber with the pool. Go along the left walkway. Stand two squares away from the wall, underneath the ledge of the platform above. Jump up and press action. (If Lara won't grab the ledge, repeat this till she does so. Press forward after pressing jump so that Lara will move forward a bit while trying to grab the ledge.) Pull up onto that platform. Walk forward till you reach the loose platform. Jump up and grab the ledge of the next platform overhead. Pull up. Make a 180 degree turn, jump straight up and grab the ledge. Pull yourself up. Shoot the Bat28/29 and run up the stairs. Use the Lever in the next chamber to open the middle door. Then step out and save at the Save Crystal. Hang from the ledge, shimmy to the left and let go. Hang from the next ledge and drop onto the red roof. Again, drop to the ground.

The Middle Door

This time enter the door in the middle. In the passage, you'll meet a couple of swinging blades. Step close and then run past when the path is clear. It's best if you stand on the side of the passage not in the middle. Repeat this three times. In the room at the end is a closed door and a lever on the right. Use the Lever. You will drop through a trapdoor in the floor. Dive into the passage ahead and up on the other side. In that room, you can see a bear running around. Dive down again and into the little tunnel. Follow it to another basin. Climb out of the water and run up the stairs. At the top, flip the switch to open a gate in the room with the bear. Step out onto the balcony. The chamber with the pool and the bear is underneath you. You might be able to shoot the Bear29/29 from up here. Jump down into the pool and climb out of the water. On both ends is an open gate. The dark one leads back to the swinging blades, the light one is the one you just opened.
Secret 3: Run between the columns left of the lighter gate. In the right corner, you'll find stairs leading up. Follow them. At the top, turn right. Run into the first alcove on the right. On the left is a hidden passage. Drop into the pit. Collect the Uzi Clips.13/13 Then climb back up. You can use the switch to stop the blades but that won't get you anything. Run through the columns and jump down into the pool again. Swim towards the shore and climb out.
Use the gold idol on the receptacle at the wall next to the opened gate. Step through the door to finish the level.




Bats (encountered in Peru and Greece) are fairly easy to kill. Run around with your guns drawn unless you are climbing, and you should be able to dispose of them quickly. Once they attach to Lara's head, hop back or perform a role to get some distance between you and them.

Learn More

To read more on bats, please visit WikiRaider.





Wolves (encountered throughout Peru) are nasty beast if they come too close and you get caught in a corner. Before you get too close, make sure you can not shoot them from atop a rock where they can not reach you. Keep enough distance and while fighting you might want to perform backflips as to not let them get too close. Keep shooting all the while. Often wolves will appear in packs of two or three.

Learn More

To read more on wolves, please visit WikiRaider.





This bear is a little harder to avoid than the one in the caves. I recommend trying to get into the hut and climb onto the top level there to shoot the bear from above. If you need to escape from him quickly, you can jump into the pool.

Learn More

To read more on bears, please visit WikiRaider.

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